Sneek Peek
This is just a little sneek peek of Carson's one year old portraits. I hope to have the rest tomorrow, she's still editing, i'm so excited!!!!
Our weekend fun
Just a few pictures from our weekend

Carson crawling around in his towel, after a bath

After I picked Carson up from his sleep over @ Meme's
Mini Photo shoot
Last week Carson started taking some steps, & I have been so bad about getting the camera out to snap some pictures as he's doing it, i'm too caught up in the moment. Tonight I told myself okay I am going to sit down and get him to walk to me so I can get some, and I did, they're not the greatest but they'll do for now. I was home by myself so I wasn't able to have someone else snap the camera while I got him to walk. Take a look...

Fun in the Sun

Bouncing Babies
On Wednesdays I take Carson to the library for a class called Bouncing Babies, we sing some songs & use sign language & read a book or two. The first time we went Carson wasn't too crazy about it, & people were looking at me with "the control your kid we're trying to sing" face, today was much better he even clapped after we sang a song! The class only lasts about 30 minutes then I take him to check out some books!
Father's Day

Today was Ryan's first Father's Day, we celebrated by going to lunch with his family, then taking an afternoon nap & dinner with my parents. We haven't been able to take an afternoon nap on a Sunday in a long time because Carson is always wanting to play, it was very nice. Hope all of you had a nice relaxing Sunday!
Bad Idea
Time for a change
Yes, I changed my blog layout again. I get so bored looking at the same one & haven't really found one I absolutely LOVE. I could spend money to buy a cute one but I rather spend 15 dollars on something else.
Carson's first trip to the zoo
Today we went to the Fort Worth Zoo with my mom Parker, and one of his friends. Carson had a blast I was honestly thinking he wouldn't do all that great because it was going to be really hot, and I knew he wouldn't nap. I'm glad he surprised me!!

Before & After
Date night

Last night Ryan & I had a date night. We don't have them all that often but definitely enough. We went to Scotty P's for dinner, we haven't been there in forever probably since I was pregnant then enjoyed the comedy The Hangover. I love spending time with just Ryan & I but I always can't wait to get back to Carson! We are fortunate to have parents that don't mind to watch Carson when we need to get away for a few hours! Thanks Lolly! : )
Bye Bye Bottle
Carson has officially been off of the bottle for three days now. I am so proud of him! He has been so easy to ween off of things. He was done with his pacifer at 3 or 4 months, switch from breast to bottle at 4 months without any trouble & gave up his bottle at almost 11 months. I have been so lucky & grateful to have a baby as good as he is, (don't get me wrong he definately has his moments) I know I need to enjoy every minute of it because every child is not the same!

I'm a big kid now

Friday Ryan, Carson, & I drove down to Corpus Christi to drop some trusses off at a jobsite. So we decided to get him a big boy car seat thinking it may be more comfortable for him. He seemed to like it but I think it's harder for him to sleep in it. The trip down there wasn't the most fun but on the way home was fine, we made it home in 6 hours!!

I can't believe my baby is almost one!! He's standing up, & walking around anything he can hold onto. Kids really do grow up WAAAAY to fast!! These are some pictures from our hotel stay in Corpus Christi. It was a realllllly nice Hampton Inn. I love how Carson found his Whataburger bag and decided he was going to eat the rest of his pancakes while mommy put on her make up. It was sooo funny!!!
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