If you are my friend on Facebook, you know that I had a snake visit my washing machine the other night. I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED OF THEM. They are gross, look slimy, slither, ugly, mean looking, creepy... I could go on! I don't even like to call them by their names I normally refer to them as "Henry's" We live in the country somewhat our laundry room is outside and it's extremely hot so I don't blame it for wanting to get some water. I know they are everywhere out here but if I don't see them I'm perfectly fine. I wasn't so lucky the worst part is by the time I went inside and was able to tell Ryan what happened and he dried off and got dressed it was gone. I would have felt so much better if he would have said, "okay I killed it, it's gone." That wasn't the case, so I am scared to death to touch my laundry or even reach my hand in the washing machine or take the clothes out of the dryer. After a day I'm doing better I decided to use my broom stick to pick up the clothes and put them in the washer and switch the laundry maybe tomorrow I'll be a little bit more gutsy and stick my hand in there. It takes time.

This is a picture of Carson with the handy broomstick. He is mad in this picture because I had to go outside to get my camera.
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