I really need to get back into my normal work out routine. I have not worked out once since July. I do walk a lot due to a minor shopping addiction I have. I am not lazy by any means, I have a one year to chase after on a regular basis. This weather lately just makes me so tired and want to do nothing, it's a bit hard to get motivated on rainy, chilly days. I just want to lay in my bed and watch movies all day with Carson. I can't blame all of it on the weather, I have been super busy with some Christmas shopping, and working on a small project for my in laws. It also makes it difficult when Carson has been way off schedule and I just don't know what to do? This kid does not want to go to bed at night. During the day I look forward to time to myself and I have not had this in at least two weeks if not longer. Once he goes to bed I normally pick the house up for the millionth time, read some of my book, catch up on people status's on FB, then finally take a shower and go to bed. I know these are all horrible excuses so starting tomorrow I am going to make myself devote an hour to the weird guy on p90x and get a great workout during Carson's nap, even if it means neglect my daily house duties.

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