Halloween was definitely a busy holiday for us this year. Friday was Boo on Ballard so Ryan, & I took Carson to downtown stood through a few lines to get some candy, then entered the Halloween Costume Contest. There were a few cute kids in there so I was trying not to get my hopes up, but deep down I was thinking Carson better win. I am really big on these contests because when I was younger my mom entered my sister & I in them and we always won. When my brother, Parker, came along she did the same for him. He also won first place. I felt the need to keep the tradition going. As they were getting to 2nd and 1st place I was getting nervous, his name hadn't been called and I knew he had to place because some of the kids that did place didn't have the cutest costumes. Carson's main competition was a little boy who had down syndrome he was Rowdy the Cowboys mascot. He was so cute, and so so sweet. He kept giving Carson hugs and kisses, just the cutest. Long story short Carson won and I was so excited and it definitely made the $5 worth it, and I think it made Ryan happier for me dragging him down there. Now onto Trick or Treating, Carson did so well. I wasn't sure how he was going to do, he wouldn't let go of his pumpkin bucket and walked up to each door and just knew what to do. I was so proud of him. I was so busy holding his hand and walking him to doors I forgot to get a few pictures of it. I have never been big on Halloween, but having a kid makes it a lot more fun. Hope all of my few readers had a great Halloween.
Our 2nd Halloween together

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