Booty Pop

These boots are made for walkin...

What a great Christmas we had...
Christmas for the St. John's actually started the day after Thanksgiving. We do a Christmas with my moms best friends family every year. This year they weren't going to be here for Christmas, because they are moving to Cali. The next weekend we met my moms other friend at Chick fil a for some lunch where Carson recieved another gift. The weekend after that we did Christmas with my two brothers, and sister in laws, and two nephews. The next week was Christmas. We started on Wednesday, Christmas eve eve. We went to dinner with Ryan's family that were in town from Tennessee then went back to his grandmas for our gift exchange. Christmas eve we went to my dads house in the afternoon back home for Carson to take a nap and then off to Lolly and Pops house for our Christmas with them. Finally, Christmas day. Since we have Carson we do our Christmas with him when he wakes up, he plays with his toys for awhile then we head to Lolly and Pops again for lunch and more gifts with Ryan's other grandma and Aunt and Uncle. After lunch we go to our last place for the day, my moms. We open presents from my Aunt and Uncle, my mom, and my grandma. I think after all of this, I want to start a new tradition. Maybe just staying home and everyone can come to us. I just don't want to cook for a ton of people, my house isn't big enough for that anyway. Although, we traveled the world for the month of December we still had a great Christmas! Carson is very loved and very blessed for all of the family he has. Needless to say, I am ready for the New Year. Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas Eve, and Day...
Carson playing in the dishwasher, it's his favorite spot at his Meme's
Christmas cookies

RIP Razor

Sunday night fun


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