Today Carson started back at Mother's Day Out. I really had high hopes that he would be fine when I dropped him off. I couldn't have been more wrong. I had been telling him if he was a good boy we would go to wal mart and get him a toy boat or monster truck so all he had been talking about was wal mart. We walk in, print his sticker, and start heading to class. He tried to go to his old classroom first I think he would have been fine there because it's still familiar, but he's not a baby anymore. I finally get him to his new teachers, he starts crying, throwing all his body weight onto the floor so it's hard to pick him up, and finally goes in. I know he will have fun, they eat, go outside, dance to music, and read some books which are some of his favorite things to do. Hopefully after couple of weeks of going he will be back in his old routine!

AWW! I miss my nephew!