My latest addiction is... SEWING. You can't be having a baby girl and not know how to sew. There is just so much to make. I wanted to learn when I had Carson, but I wasn't as motivated because the stuff to make just wasn't as cute to me. There's so many things I want to learn with having a baby girl. Sewing is my number one, then it will be on to making bows, and headbands. Tonight I had my mom come over just teach me how to thread the needle & boppin, and make a straight stitch. After a while I got tired of that and wanted to move on to bigger and better things. Lets just say I wasn't ready for those bigger and better things to sew. It's alot more complicated than it looks. Hopefully by this time next week I will have accomplished baby leg warmers.

Aren't they just the cutest?
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