Thursday we had plans to meet up with a friend for a pool play date.
Tyler and Carson are only a couple months apart. They have a lot of fun playing together. Tyler also has a little sister. She is just a couple weeks shy of a year younger than Olivia.
Olivia loves playing with her tea cups at the pool. My kids are such water babies.
After we left my friend sent me a text asking if I wanted her baby.
I love the way she asked. It cracked me up.
I could hear Olivia giving her kisses the whole way home.
Is she not the cutest?
In order to get anything done around the house or keep my kids off of her I had to "wear" her.
Harper did not mind one bit. She loved spending the afternoon with us, and we loved having her.
That picture of Olivia Kissing Harper is so sweet! She is such a little mama!! She is going to have so much fun with your sister's little baby!!