Today our big boy started kindergarten. I can not believe how fast time flies by. We are so proud of the sweet boy he is growing into be.
He was mostly excited about getting to eat in a cafeteria. I packed his lunch but he chose to buy. He said he had 5 mini corn dogs, broccoli, and oranges. He told me that the oranges were actually good ones. Ha!
I'm really excited to see what all he learns this year. I think he has a great teacher. She called this afternoon to let me know that he had a wonderful day. He was a great helper, and listener. What momma doesn't love to hear that? I walked up to pick him up today. Most days I'll just do the carpool line. It was fun watching him walk out of school with his new friends. He looks so much older after being in kindergarten for a day.
After a great first day of school we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate. Looking forward to a fun year. We love you so much Carson Ray, and are so proud of you.
AHH! I can't believe he's such a big kid! So proud of him!