

Home Depot work shop

Every first Saturday of the month Home Depot does a free kids work shop. I've taken c to the Lowe's one before, but Home Depot is closer so we tried it out to see how we liked it. 
The work shop this month was building a ring toss. I nailed the nails to where they were holding the sides together and then let him finish. He did a pretty good job.
He looks so cute concentrating.
I had planned on Olivia staying home and just having a morning with c. Ryan had to work so Olivia had to go. She stood by my side the whole time. I don't think she liked going.
After he built his ring toss he was ready to paint. He loves the color red, so he started with that first. 
Here's the finished product. I told him it looked like ketchup and mustard. We had fun at the work shop I can't wait until next months.

1 comment :

  1. That looks like fun. That is a good thing for him to get to do. I forgot about Home Depot doing those classes.
