Friday we celebrated Lolly's birthday at Joe willys.
(Stole this pic from my sil)
Saturday we drove out to Rhome, TX to celebrate Harper turning one, & Jess turning 26.
Jess made this super cute sign for the party.
There was a park right by the clubhouse the party was at.
It's fun to be one.
Sunday was another beautiful day. We spent the day playing outside. Carson decided he wanted to try and learn to ride his dirt bike.
He did so great learning how to work the gas and the brake.
Now it's back to gross, cold weather. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for SpRiNg!
I'm getting caught up on your blog. I've missed several posts. I love to see a glimpse into your everyday lives. So glad we live close too so I can really see everyone too.