

What's up Wednesday- June

Time for another What's up Wednesday with MelShay, & Sheaffer   

What We're Eating this week...
Monday- Dickeys BBQ
Tuesday- Sausage gravy, biscuits, bacon, & eggs
Wednesday- panko pork chops, fried squash, fresh fruit
Thursday- pork roast, potatoes, carrots
Friday- homemade meatball subs, chips, fruit
Saturday- pulled pork sandwiches from left over roast
Sunday- pizza 
What I'm reminiscing about...
When I first started dating my hubby. On the 27th we will have been together 10 years. TEN YEARS!!! Time flies when you're in love! 
here's us now
I love this man more and more everyday. I am so lucky!
What I'm loving...
Sleeping in until 7 A.M. it's only 35 minutes later than I wake up during the school year, but it makes a huge difference.
What We've Been up to...
We have been busy! We had two straight weeks of swim lessons. Last week Olivia had "Frozen boot camp" (Frozen themed dance camp)
Yesterday we went and saw the new Minions movie. C loved it, and pretty much laughed through the whole thing. 
Last week C had VBS.
What I'm Dreading...

I have a bunch of fresh fruit that needs cut. I love eating fresh fruit just hate cutting it up. I also am dreading cleaning my blinds in my house. #stayathomemomprobs
What I'm Working On...
It's the end of June already, so as always I'm rushing to get stuff done for Carson's birthday party. I always procrastinate. I think it's because I have two kids born in July. The thought of planning two parties back to back stresses me out. This year I'm keeping it suuuuper simple. I ordered this invitation off Etsy. I had her change up the wording, and put our info.

What I'm Excited about...
How easy it is to back up all of my pictures on Amazon's photo app. If you have prime it's part of your membership. I am the worst about backing up all of the pictures on my phone. Most of the time I have to delete a photo, or video to take another. The other night before bed I downloaded the app, and by the next morning all 1300+ pictures and videos were backed up in my app. It's the best! You can back up your photos from your computer on it also. 
What I'm Watching...
The Bachelorette. I'm not loving this season, but I watch it anyway. I'm also watching Real Housewives of O.C.
What I'm Reading...
Nothing at the moment. I'm just not a big reader.
What I'm Listening to...
Carson has been playing The Journey off the Map theme song on repeat. I have to say it is really catchy. You can see it 
What I'm Wearing...
I wore this this morning to go print Carson's birthday invitations, and run to the grocery store. I love how comfy these ankle jeans are.
I'm also loving this flow-y dress. I didn't get a full body shot of it, but it's definitely perfect for summer.
What I'm doing this weekend...
As of yet I don't think we have anything planned. We may go to our towns Jubilee. We were supposed to be out of town this weekend. 
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Fireworks, celebrating my kids turning 7, & 4- how is this possible? lots of swim play dates,  hopefully squeezing in a weekend trip at some point.
What else is new?
I got a free tablet from my phone company, so now I get my Ipad back from my kids. I'm giving Olivia Carson's practically brand new kindle to her for her birthday, and C will get the new tablet for his birthday.
What are you doing for the 4th of July?
If we are not at the lake, we are going to have an Independence Day feast and pop some fireworks.  

That's it for my What's Up Wednesday. If you are stopping by from the link up thanks for reading! You can find me on instagram here. Have a fabulous Wednesday. The kids and I are headed to the pool!


Friday Favorites- Last day of school edition

Since today is the last day of school and Carson is one of my favorite people I am making my Friday Favorites post all about him. So lets get started.
Here is Carson on his last morning of first grade.
Every first and last day of school we take the same dreaded pictures. I have to admit today he didn't complain one bit about it. Maybe it's because I bought him his own chalkboard.
This morning he was up before I came in his room, and was already half dressed. He was so excited for his last day of school he had forgotten to take off his pajamas before putting on his shorts. Ha!
Carson had a great school year. He is an excellent reader, and has come so far in Math. His writing has also improved tremendously.
Ready for 2nd grade!

 There he goes walking into school the last time as a first grader.
It's not a post without some comparison pictures.
Here he is on his last day of PreK, Kindergarten, and First grade.
Linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals 
If you are stopping by from the link up thanks for reading, and don't forget to click " join this site" on the sidebar!
Follow me here on Instagram.
Have a fabulous Friday.