

Back to school-2nd grade

Back to school!!!!
 He was so excited to get back in the classroom. He got the teacher he really wanted, so I think that definitely helped.
Normally on the first day of school I take pictures of him getting ready, and eating breakfast. I totally forgot yesterday morning! :(
 I still remember the day I walked him into Kindergarten thinking the 2nd grade hall seemed so far away. I'm just amazed at how fast time passes us by. Next thing I know I'll be watching his walk the stage graduating High School. Lets not think about that though.
Greeting his teacher with a gift.

 The girl behind him sat next to him last year on the first day of school, too.
We sure miss our guy hanging out with us during the day.
Our first day back was a smooth one. He said his day was great, and his teacher told him he's a good kid. The only thing he complained about were his new shoes hurt his ankles, so he ended up putting his socks on with his loafers. I wish I would have taken his picture it was pretty hilarious. Yesterday I was busy helping Lolly do things in her house we didn't go have a after school treat. We will have to do that today.
And here is some comparison pics from all of his first days of school.
Left to right- Pre-K-2nd 
Here he is this morning. I may be a little biased but I think he is so handsome!
It's hard to believe this time next year I will have TWO kids in elementary school. AHH!

1 comment :

  1. He is handsome!! What a sweet smile and cheerful heart he shows!! Glad his first day was great!
