
My future golfer
Halloween costume

BBQ chip chicken nuggets
I don't have a picture of this recipe, because I made it a few weeks ago and never blogged about it. It sounds kind of weird but really yummy. Ryan is NOT a chicken eater and this is one of his favorite chicken dishes.
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
4 eggs
salt and pepper (to taste)
garlic and onion powder (to taste)
BBQ chips
(I very rarely measure when I cook unless i'm following someone else's recipe)
Cut the chicken breasts up into nugget size pieces, mix the eggs, salt & pepper, onion & garlic powder. Crunch the BBQ chips on a plate into little pieces. Dip the chicken nuggets into the mixture then roll in the chips. I like to make sure there are alot of chips on the nuggets. Put on a pan and bake at 350. They only take about 10 minutes to cook in the oven. I cook them on a pan that has holes in so I don't have to flip them, if you don't have a pan like that cook them for 5 minutes on one side then flip. They should turn out so tender. I eat them with either mashed potatoes, green beans, or Ryan like Au Gratin cheesy potatoes with it. Enjoy...
Chick fil a
I absolutely LOVE Chick Fil A! I really wanted some Mexican food for dinner, but it would have been cold by the time I got home so opted to try out the new Chick Fil A. It was amazing of course. I have been stuck on the Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich, I really eat it a couple of times a week. I also love the Chicken Tender Salad, it makes a great meal for two, I give the tenders to Carson and eat the salad. What is your favorite meal at Chick fil A?
A little thought of the day
Tonight I had to go to an open caskett viewing. It was for a friend who I played soccer with in Plano before we moved to Wylie. Her mom died of a heart attack on Sunday. It was some what unexpected, real unexpected to me, because we haven't talked in awhile. She had 3 grandchildren, one who was only 2 months old, and she had three children the youngest being 15. I really don't deal with death very well, I am just scared. I don't like the thought of leaving my son behind! Hopefully when I die I am old, peaceful, and with my husband. Going to things like I did tonight just makes me think how we really do take life for granted for the most part. As well all know tomorrow is never guaranteed. The positive side of death, if there really is one, is it really brings a lot of people together. For instance, tonight there was a lot of people we don't really talk to much and they only live 30 minutes away, why is that? We all just picked back up to where we left off. From now on I really want to try and live my life to the fullest, and really not sweat the small stuff. I'm going to try and spend even more time with Carson, instead of worrying so much on cleaning, and doing laundry that stuff will still be there when he goes to bed, or the next day, or the day after that. I know I do the best that I can, but I want him to remember me as being a great mom who just really loved life.
Morning fun

15 Months

Carson had his 15 month check up today. I can't believe how fast time goes, I still remember the day I brought him home. (I know it was only a year ago but still) I was so used to having people in and out of my hospital room, nurses taking my vitals etc.. once we got home it was just kind of boring, and I asked Ryan, "What do we do now?" We decided to sleep. From that moment on it wasn't just us two anymore. Back to his check up. He weighs 24 pounds and 6 ounces (50-75th percentile), 32 1/2 inches long (75-90 percentile), and his head is 48 (75th percentile). Carson is completely normal and on track. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby, when I was pregnant I would have dreams that he would come out funky, I even had a dream he came out black and we had a name for him, Willis. I think most moms to be have these crazy dreams, I am so glad he was perfect and adorable. He is so fun to be around, such a boy, and just loves life! I love listening to his jibber jabber all day, I wish I knew what he was saying when it does start making sense I know I am going to be thinking, okay enough now please!
Soon to be Mr. & Mrs.

Need some motivation

Spic and Span

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