Saturday night my SIL, Tiffany hosted what was supposed to be a surprise 30th bday party for my brother. She ended up telling him about it ahead of time because he had told her he didn't want to hang out with anyone this weekend since he had to work so much. He was still fine with having it and I'm glad because it was nice and perfect. She made fajitas and ordered hot sauce, guacamole, rice, and beans from On The Border. It was so delicious she even let me bring him left overs! : ) We left Carson with Lolly and Pops and just brought Olivia since she pretty much just sleeps anyway. She got lots of love by grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncles.
Picture of:
dad, step mom, Laurie, Autumn, brother Kain, his wife Brooke, brother Dustin, his wife Tiffany, me, Ryan, and Olivia

My big brothers, and little sister

me, Ryan, and Olivia

Thanks for having us over Tiff, we had a good time!