


We survived the first week of school. I had to be one of those moms that took a picture everyday before we left. I'm kind of thinking about doing it everyday then making a book. 
1st day
2nd day. I love new school clothes. He looks so handsome.
3rd day. He wanted me to walk him in this week. 
4th day. Every Thursday is wear a college shirt day. He only had this longhorns one. We need to go shopping for more.
And, we made it to Friday. Yay! Fridays are spirit shirt days. Each grade wears a different color. I'm glad he was orange because these shorts went perfectly with it. Now, we're going to be lazy, sleep in, and enjoy some lake time. Excited for the long weekend. Getting up at 6 is killer for me. I'm a night owl, not a early riser.


We have a kindergartener folks!

Today our big boy started kindergarten. I can not believe how fast time flies by. We are so proud of the sweet boy he is growing into be.
He was mostly excited about getting to eat in a cafeteria. I packed his lunch but he chose to buy. He said he had 5 mini corn dogs, broccoli, and oranges. He told me that the oranges were actually good ones. Ha!
I'm really excited to see what all he learns this year. I think he has a great teacher. She called this afternoon to let me know that he had a wonderful day. He was a great helper, and listener. What momma doesn't love to hear that? 
Could he be any more handsome?
I walked up to pick him up today. Most days I'll just do the carpool line. It was fun watching him walk out of school with his new friends. He looks so much older after being in kindergarten for a day.
Carson and his friend, Tyler. 
After a great first day of school we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate. Looking forward to a fun year. We love you so much Carson Ray, and are so proud of you. 
How much difference a few months makes.


No name Mcclain

My sisters baby is due on Thursday. She hadn't had any maternity pictures taken, so I offered to just take a few snap shots in my backyard. 
It was pretty bright. The ones of her looking up weren't the best. Ryan cut down my favorite tree I liked taking pictures by.
This is probably my favorite one.
                      & in b&w
We took a couple others, but these turned out best. As of right now her baby still doesn't have a name. I've named him  "no name McClain" my dad says I shouldn't call him that. I just can't help it, it flows. Her doctor was checking with the hospital to see if they had an opening for Wednesday to induce her. I can't wait to be an auntie again!!! 


Some pig, terrific, humble

Wednesday we met up with Lauren and her kids to see Charlotte's web. 
Studio movie grill was playing it for $1 for kids and $2 for adults this week only. I couldn't pass it up.
Their special for lunch was $10 pizza with free refills. Lauren and I split the cost of pizza, so $5 each to eat was a super deal. Carson and Olivia loved the movie. Olivia kept saying pig, pig the whole movie. It was cute. Carson kept telling me all of his favorite parts on the way home. He said it was sad when Charlotte died, but he liked all of her babies.
This girl is something else. She either has a necklace or bracelet on and has to carry her purse with lip gloss everywhere we go. Along with several baby dolls.


Ice cream

Tonight my dad called and asked if we wanted to go eat ice cream. Of course we said yes. He came and picked us up since he was in the area..
Carson wanted braums, but there's not really one close so we had DQ. Olivia was being so silly. She would not take a real picture.
Carson loves hanging out with my dad and grandma "rory" (Laurie). Thanks for picking us up and taking us for ice cream dad. We had a good time!


A good report

Tuesday I took both kids to get their yearly check up.
Carson got a great report. He is 51 # 95% and 46 1/2 in 97%. Growing and learning perfectly.
My little mama had to get a toe prick and 1 hep shot. She didn't flinch for either one of them. I was proud of my tough drama queen. She was just a little bit low in iron, so I really need to be better about giving vitamins. Her stats were 26 lbs 10 oz 50% and 33 inches tall 25-50%. I thought it would be fun to compare her stats to Carson's from his 2 year. He was  30 lbs in the 75% and 36 1/2 inches tall 90%.  Boys and girls just grow so differently. Carson has always had high percentiles. Olivia had a pretty good report. The only concern the doctor really had was that she isn't saying more phrases. She says a lot of words and totally understands everything you ask her to do. She said if she's not saying more phrases in a few months she may want to test her with a speech therapist. I really hope we don't have to go that route. In other news we took away Olivia's pacifier except for nap time and bedtime. This is how she feels about it. 
She isn't the best car rider right now. That's the only time it has really seemed to affect her. She's still adorable even pouty. Wish us luck she gets happier without it.