

A day at the zoo

Saturday night my sil, Katy asked if we wanted to go to the zoo on Monday. She saw the high was only going to be 86. Perfect zoo weather!! Of course we said yes! We decided to dress them festively hoping to get a picture of them. 
Of course it's just about impossible with one two year old and an almost two year old. 
          These were the best we got. 
Me and my babes.
We first went to the safari side. I love how they have these statues. Every time we come I make them sit on the elephants for pictures.
We had just missed the lion demonstration, but it was okay because he just sat in the front and let us look at him.
Then we went to the giraffes. The giraffes are my favorite. I love how you're able to get up so close to them. 
If you want to pay $5 for a leaf of lettuce you can even feed them.
Before we left the safari side c took some pictures on the land rover. He loves cars and trucks, it's in his blood. 
We went to see the gorillas but they were temporarily unavailable. Carson thought it would be fun to pick this ones nose. Ha!
He was thinking, mom, are you sure it's okay for me to put my head in here?

Carson kept calling these Bambi. They are called klip something... 
We saw some turtles. They used to have a part where these huge turtles just walked around in the open and you could touch them. It's only been a year since we've been here, and so much had changed.
These meerkats saw us and instantly started posing. They were too funny.
This monitor would follow Carson from one end of the glass to the next.
These two can be so sweet. I love they are so close in age.
I absolutely hate, hate, hate snakes. They are gross, creepy, and just scare me.  I honestly can't believe I even took pictures of them. Ew. I had nightmares about them because I saw so many that day! Luckily, Katy told Carson about each one he was interested in. 
This turtle had such a long neck. 
After we left the reptile building we stopped to eat our lunch. 
The zoo is so not strict about what food you bring in. I saw people with McDonald's and we brought sonic waters without a problem. 
They have a nice little picnic area. After lunch it was time to hit the water area and playground. 
Olivia having a melt down. She has one or two at least everyday. It's a good thing she's cute. 
She soon got over it and started playing.

We had fun. Thanks for inviting us aunt Katy!

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