

Saturday Tiffany & I took Carson to see his cousin Keegan. My brother Kain & sister in law Brooke went on a yacht for the weekend with some of their friends so Keegan was left with his grandma in McKinney. Carson & Keegan are so funny together, it's like Carson knows he needs to be gentle around him because he's smaller. Which Keegan is actually bigger than Carson but he's only 6 months old so he's not as mobile as Carson. When we got to see Keegan he was sleeping so it took him a little while to talk & get active but once he ate he was making all kinds of noises & smiling non stop, it was a lot of fun!!


This morning Ryan left to go to Home Depot and do a few of his Saturday errands, Carson wasn't too happy that daddy was leaving without him. He's a total daddy's boy & was crying saying "dada dada" it sounds sad but it's actually kind of cute. All I had to say was "do you want to eat?" & he forgot all about his dada leaving!


Bluebonnet Friday

Today I was trying to think of things to do that didn't cost money & just something to get me out of the house. I am not good at staying home I feel trapped! I had thought about going to the park but I was like it's windy & Carson has horrible allergies & i'm kind of burnt out on it. Well yesterday my sister in law Tiffany was telling me how there was a huge field of Bluebonnets off of Shiloh Rd. by Fujitsu; so I thought well I will take Carson over there to take his picture & see how he liked it. He ended up loving the flowers it was hard to take his picture because he kept just picking the flowers that you're not supposed to pick ANYWAY here are a few pictures!


My little Turkey

Carson eating some Turkey @ his meme's... I haven't posted in awhile & just thought this picture was cute!!


Jesus Loves me...

Carson absolutely loves soft stuffed animals & for Easter that's just what he got. Lolly & Pops bought this little lamb for him as one of his gifts & it sings "Jesus Loves Me" he fells asleep holding it in the car it was so sweet.

Thanks Lolly & Pop!!!!!



We celebrated Easter on Saturday at my moms house I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I would but that's ohk. Carson had a good day I set his Pack n Play outside on the porch with his toys so he could hang out outside & not be getting into EVERYTHING that is what he is best at. We had a TON of food I felt like I was going to pop, Carson enjoyed it too. The Easter bunny came a little early this year for him, my mom couldn't wait to give him the gift she got him the other day. It's really for a two year old but since Carson is pulling up on everything he can grip we thought a little sit n walk type toy would be good for him, before I know he's going to be walking soon. He did really well with his new firetruck, he can't quite reach the ground when he sits on it though.

Oh what a day

Friday a friend & I took our kids to see the Easter bunny at Wal Mart because the picture was free, the bunny was VERY scary but Carson did fine! After Wal Mart we took the kids to McDonalds because Aidan really really really wanted it & couldn't live without it, so he said haha he is the funniest little 5 year old I know! While we let him play we thought of something we could do next because we both didn't feel like going home, so we decided to go to the mall because I know that place very well, & it just never gets old to me while Jess shopped around we let the boys play on the couch take a look...


A Day At The Park

Today as I was on my way to grab a quick lunch & pick up some pictures a friend had called & was taking her kids to the park & wanted Carson & I to join, she was going to Breckinridge park I had never been there so we went. It's a really nice park that has several different walking paths, & a pond to feed the ducks it was very pretty, we enjoyed a nice walk & swung at the playground for a while. I just wish I would have had some sunscreen for Carson luckily I had a hat for him because I didn't have my regular stroller in the car we had to use his jogging stroller that doesn't have a canopy. Next time we go we'll be more prepared!

Morning Dress Up

This morning I must admit I was not ready to wake up. Carson has not been sleeping through the night for the last month & I am so not used to it, so this morning when he woke up after Ryan left for work I brought him into my room to lay with me of course he can't sit still since he started crawling so I put him on the floor to play while I just laid there for a minute, stretched, & got ready to get up. I had left out one of my containers that I keep under the bed that have winter stuff like scarves & all that fun stuff well he got into it which is fine & the smart kid that he is he figured out how to wrap the scarf around his neck, I thought it was cute even though he was dressing himself up like a girl so I added the hat take a look...


Ready for Easter

Today Carson & I once again went to Target to get a few things that turns into a thousand things. As I was shopping in the dollar section which I love I found the Easter grass, some plastic Easter eggs, & a egg coloring kit, I had recently gotten his Easter basket from Wal Mart for $5 dollars & I was soooo excited because his basket matches his room theme. Anyway instead of waiting until this weekend to do his basket, I did it tonight! Saturday we're going to my moms for a egg hunt & some Easter activities I will post pictures on that later this weekend. I hope everyone has a great Easter!



Carson got an owie today...
We were on the floor playing & all the sudden he started crying, which he has been doing a lot because he hasn't felt very well. So I picked him up to soothe him & his hand looked a little red so I thought maybe he hurt his hand, he stopped crying so I put him in his highchair to feed him some lunch/dinner. Later, I noticed he had a bump over his eye it's very mysterious... anyway I knew he wouldn't let me ice his bump so it doesn't turn into a black eye but I had to try I don't want people thinking I beat my 8 month old or anything! He thought it was funny for just a little while here are some pictures!

Brain Freeze

Friday Jess & I went to Target to get some fillers for Brittany's diaper bag & we wanted ICEES because we were hungry & it was close to dinner time so we didn't want to eat a meal. While we were shopping Carson decided he wanted some ICEE as well. Here is a picture of Carson enjoying his first ICEE, he was funny it was cold he didn't know what to think about it.

Baby Time

This weekend was Brittany's baby shower, it was more like a high school reunion but we all had a good time getting together & catching up. Brittany is having a little boy on May 27th his name will be Tanner, she got such good stuff @ her shower. It almost makes me want another one, but then I look at Carson & see all the things he is learning & it's just so much fun to watch him grow if I were to have another one I wouldn't get to enjoy these moments!