

2013 was a good year

A lot of great things were accomplished in 2013. 
We celebrated me turning 25 with a fun birthday dinner with great friends. 
We got snow
Olivia tried out gymnastics
I got to meet baby, Harper.
We celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss.
We celebrated by going to Shreveport.
Carson got his tonsils, and adenoids taken out.
We went to our third annual lake Benny cook out.
Carson had a spring performance in pre k
I went to my second annual hs reunion 
Carson finished another season in tball
Carson graduated from pre k

The kids took swim lessons 

We got a boat and spent a lot of time at the lake.
Sweet cousins

We renewed our season passes to hfalls
I hosted a baby shower with my sil for my sister.
We celebrated my sweet nephew turning two.
We also found out my sil was having another baby due February 17. We can't wait to meet baby Nash.
We took a lake trip with a bunch of friends.
Fun at the zoo.
Carson turned 5
Olivia turned 2
We had a joint party
We took a trip to Austin to celebrate Ashland turning 21
My nephew was born and finally named Camden.
Carson started kindergarten.
Livi started mdo
We took a trip to the beach

Carson got his first award at school.
My granddad came to town, and we got a four generation pic.
We celebrated cams first thanksgiving.
We survived an ice storm.
My mom turned 50.
We saw Santa, and had a very merry Christmas, or Christmas' I should say.
If you made it to the end of these pictures, you're a trooper! Although 2013 was a great year we did have a sad loss. My grandma on my dads side of the family passed away. We miss her everyday.

I have a feeling 2014 will be even better. Here's a few things I'm looking forward to...

...I'm turning 26 in 4 days
...My 6 yr anniversary is February 2nd
...I get to be an aunt again to baby Nash also in February
...I'm planning on starting a photography hobby
...and most of all looking forward to another year of health, wealth, and happiness.
Happy new year, y'all. 

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