

Lesson learned

I no longer have a lap top and it's so frustrating, I like to be able to sit in any room and be on the computer at the same time. Until it is fixed I am stuck using Ryan's PC. I always left my computer on top of the kitchen table so it's kind of my fault, but I thought I could be a good mom and just teach my son not to climb onto the table. Obviously I failed. He got up there this past Saturday as I was vacuuming the house, I thought he was in his room playing with his swing because it was going back and forth. I was wrong, he turned his swing on so it was going on it's own. When I had peeked around the corner to see if he was on the chair I did not see anything so I thought well he's not in there maybe he is outside with Ryan. I stopped, turned the vacuum off, and walked into the living room and sure enough he was laughing and jumping as he took every key off of my computer. Not one of them would snap back on! I wish this was a chance for new lap top, but it's not there are a billion other things I want/need and bills that don't stop coming. This has not been a fun lesson to learn, so advice to his Lolly don't leave your laptop in reach of Carson, and for moms, and future moms don't leave yours lying around when you have a one year old! I'll post a picture of it later...

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