Monday morning Ryan called to ask C if he wanted to go on a delivery. Pretty sure there was no need to even ask. 

C loves delivering with dad or pops. This popped up on my time hop today.
Pops came to pick C up to deliver in East TX. This picture is bittersweet. I'm thankful for all of the times Carson was able to take these little trips with Pops. Since he had his accident, and stroke these work trips won't be happening for awhile. While the guys were gone the diva, & I had a sno cone date and ran our Monday errands. These sno cones are so good. We stop at least once a week.
This girl is always snapping selfies on my phone. She will play with the filters, and shows me when she's done. Most of the time she will say that's a good one!
We're dog sitting for my in-laws right now, Shasta was due for a grooming. Tuesday morning the kids and I dropped her off at the doggie spa for some dog pampering. I can't have a smelly dog in the house.
After we got Shasta dropped off we headed to Backyard Adventures at church. The kids had so much fun. You can read all about it here.
Shasta all clean riding shot gun.
My kids have been obsessed with Full House reruns in the evenings. I found a ton of TV pics Olivia must have taken.
Wednesday was a full day of errands. Carson's birthday party is this weekend, so we headed to party city for a few essentials. Afterwards we took C for a hair cut. We're going for a preppy look this time.
That's it for our life lately. Today consists of lots of laundry, and if the kids are good half price ice cream cones at sonic. Happy Thursday!
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